In today’s world, where economic uncertainty, job displacement, and social fragmentation are on the rise, it’s time we rethink how communities function. The traditional economic model—one based on monetary transactions and individualistic success—has left many behind. But what if there were a way to harness the power of cooperation without…
Author: KoinBlog
Cooperative Networks of Peer Support: More than just an interesting idea
The idea of “cooperative networks of peer support”, championed by the organization called “Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks” represents an incredibly powerful, untapped potential for addressing the economic and social challenges that increasingly characterize modern life. And by leveraging platforms like as a foundational framework, these networks can…
The Unconventional Life: A Life Worth Living
Most people go about their days as if on a set course, following patterns laid before them without questioning whether those patterns serve them or merely confine them. The habits of the world become their habits, and the expectations of others dictate the form of their existence. To live in…
“It’s the end of the world as we know it” (and frankly, I’m not feeling so good about it).
It’s the end of the world as we know it. And I don’t feel so good about it at all. Back in the late ‘80s, R.E.M. gave us an anthem for impending doom, a frenetic list of global chaos wrapped up in a catchy tune. They rattled off images of…
The Root of Purpose: Creation and Contribution Over Consumption: One Man’s Experiment
I left my comfortable life in the city, sold my house, quit my job, and went to the woods because I wished to strip away the superfluous, to lay bare the marrow of existence and to ask of life what it had to teach. In those quiet hours by the…
Do You Work or Do You Have a Job?
There is a distinction between having a job and working. The difference may seem subtle at first glance, but it is fundamental. A job is a position assigned within an economic system, a function performed in exchange for money. Work, however, is an act of creation, a process of bringing…
Service to Others is the Highest Calling
The highest calling of human existence is service—an obligation that binds each of us, not by choice, but by the mere fact of our being. It is not a contract entered into freely, nor an act of benevolence extended from the surplus of our kindness. It is, rather, the recognition…
Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” – in his own words?
It is often said that suffering is an inescapable part of the human condition. But what is suffering, if not the test that reveals whether a man has discovered meaning in his life? In the darkest depths of my own experience, I found that man is not destroyed by suffering…
Consume Only That Which Nourishes
To consume only that which nourishes—this is not a rule of moderation, nor a counsel of mere prudence, but a moral necessity. If we are to live in accordance with truth, if we are to preserve within ourselves the integrity of the soul, we must recognize that every act of…
The Cost of Convenience: Reclaiming What We Lost
In the years following the great war, a change swept across our land. Men and women, once masters of their own fates, began to lean on others for the tasks they once held dear. The farmer’s plow rusted in the field; the craftsman’s tools gathered dust. With each passing day,…