“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” ― Maya Angelou Small defeats are an inevitable part of…
Author: KoinBlog
What Are Time Credits and Why You Should Care
Time Banking is an idea that most have not heard of, and those that have may not really understand beyond the fundamental concept of trading time with others in a community. This understanding is certainly not wrong and could serve a person or community very well, even if they never…
The Rise of FinTech (Financial Technology) and Why You Should Care
FinTech, short for Financial Technology, is revolutionizing the world by leveraging technology to improve and streamline financial services. FinTech is quickly reshaping the financial industry and transforming the way that people and businesses manage their finances – driving greater efficiency, accessibility, and innovation across the global economy. What Is Fintech…
How Changing Access to News is Shaping Society
As the world changes faster and faster, the way that we stay informed is also changing. In the time of our grandparents, the newspaper and radio were the primary sources for news and then broadcast television, cable news, Web 1.0, and now Web 2.0 is shaping the way in which…
What is Web3 and How Would it Affect You?
You may not have heard about web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 so let’s take a look at what all this is about and see how it might impact you in the near future. The Evolution of the Internet The evolution of the internet can be broadly categorized into three major…
Why We Need Money; How Dunbar’s Number Makes it Inevitable
The idea of money is something that we are all familiar with. It’s a part of our daily lives and we couldn’t survive without it – but why? When humans lived in small tribes, they knew everyone, knew what to expect from everyone, held each other accountable and knew to…
Things Are Changing Fast; Is It On Purpose?
In the last few years, many have been crying foul when it comes to the Western world’s political and economic actions. A growing number of people around the globe, including political leaders, have been voicing concerns that a “Great Reset” is being crafted, and done so in a way that…
What Exactly Does the Idea of Stewardship Mean?
Let’s look at the idea of stewardship and how it applies to everyday living, even if you aren’t religious. What is Stewardship Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something that has been entrusted to one’s care. In life, we have been trusted and entrusted with many things. We…
Looking at the Stakeholder Economy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
In recent years, the idea of the stakeholder economy has gained significant traction, particularly in response to the shortcomings of traditional shareholder-centric models. Advocates argue that the stakeholder economy prioritizes the needs and interests of all stakeholders involved in a business, including employees, customers, communities, and the environment, rather than…
Capital Controls May Be Coming, What Now?
What are Capital Controls Capital controls refer to measures taken by governments or central banks to regulate the flow of money within a country’s economic and banking system or with other countries or other economic and banking systems. These controls are typically implemented to stabilize financial markets, manage currency stability…