The saying; “those who fail to plan, plan to fail” has never been more relevant. As we move toward increasing political chaos in Western nations and as we walk the razor’s edge of world war 3 and a meta-crisis – the likes of which humanity has never seen – failing…
Category: Health and Wellness
Exploring everything about health
The Neuroscience of Giving: An Exploration of Acts 20:35 and the Altruism Center in the Brain
The biblical principle found in Acts 20:35, “…it is more blessed to give than to receive,” has been a clarion call throughout the centuries inspiring humanity to greater moral and spiritual living. This sentiment, attributed to Jesus, underscores the value of generosity and altruism and is inarguably a good idea…
Are Patients Just Profit Sources in the Trillion Dollar Healthcare Scheme?
In any society, healthcare is a fundamental need. But, the question arises: In our society, are we really serving the interests of the patients, or are they merely sources of profit in a trillion dollar healthcare scheme? To explore this complex issue, it’s important to look deeply into our current…
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein may be amyloidogenic; why is this a problem
As we all know by now, the mRNA in the Covid vaccine reprograms the DNA of some of the cells in the recipient’s body causing them to produce SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins which then circulate throughout the body. The purported idea was to stimulate the production of antibodies thus making the…
Taking Care of Your Body is Your Responsibility: Let’s See Why and How
In a time where convenience takes precedence over doing what we know we should, it’s essential to take a step back and remember that our bodies are a gift that needs careful stewarding. From the foods we eat, the pharmaceuticals we take, to our level of activity, and exposure to…
Why Has Pharmaceutical Medicine Taken Over? A Brief History
Pharmaceutical medicine has become the dominant approach in modern healthcare, with prescription drugs and surgical interventions being the go-to solutions for most health concerns. However, this was not always the case. In fact, there are several other medical models that have been around for centuries, such as homeopathy, osteopathy and…
How to Survive the Coming Chaos of 2024; From Pandemics to Election Interference
As we approach the end of 2023, it is impossible to ignore the many chaotic events that have marked the past few years and wonder what is in store for the coming years. From pandemics to election interference, the world is faced with unprecedented challenges and turmoil. And while we…
How To Be Truly Healthy: A Look At Homeopathy
About Homeopathy Homeopathy is a specialty of medicine that has been practiced since 1796. The modern version was discovered by a physician that was dissatisfied with the, then current, medical practices. He believed that there was a better way to treat illness, prevent illness, and restore a person to good…
Here’s What You Need To Know: Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory
When it comes to understanding health and disease, there are two opposing views that have been debated for centuries: germ theory vs terrain theory. These two theories provide completely different perspectives on the root cause of illness and how to treat it. While germ theory focuses on external pathogens as…
How To Be Healthy; An In-Depth Series on Being Healthy (Part 1)
As a homeopath and retired Registered Nurse, I have spent my life fairly obsessed with how to be healthy. Over the decades I have accumulated a vast amount of knowledge and resources in this field and I am now starting a blog series on “How To Be Healthy; An In-Depth…