How many times have you heard or used the phrase, “That’s not normal”? The concept of “normal” is so deeply ingrained in our psyche that we seldom stop to question its validity. But what is normal, really? And how does it differ from being normative?
In this blog post, we will dissect these concepts and understand how they shape our perception of the world. Let’s jump right in!
Unpacking The Concept Of Normal
The term ‘normal’ is often thrown around loosely, used without truly comprehending its implications. We might use it to denote what’s seen as typical, habitual, or routine. Biologically speaking, ‘normal’ signifies the state of an organism operating as expected, free from irregularities or deviations. However, the fascinating aspect of biology is its inherent diversity. Each living being is born with genetic variations that slightly alter them from the so-called ‘ideal’ – these aren’t necessarily detrimental, and they don’t make you a bad person, but rather a testament to the marvels of genetic diversity. A Zen master of times past is credited as having said “I’m perfect…I’m perfectly myself”.
So many times, we are judged, or judge others, for “not being normal”. We think this group or that group is bad because they are different from what we consider to be normal. But I hate to be the one that breaks it to you – you aren’t normal either. No one is normal. Most people learn, over time, to behave normatively to cover up their lack of normalcy and fit in better, but no one is actually “normal”.
Just think about all the little secrets that you keep from others about yourself, your desires, fantasies, fears, paranoias, obsessions, strange beliefs, strange impulses, etc. We all have them and if you made all of your known you would be considered “not normal”. So, the next time you find yourself judging another person or group of people for not being normal or for being offensive, think about how they would think of you if they knew all of your little secrets.
Normative – A Social Construct
Let’s look at the concept of ‘normative,’ which stands quite distinct from ‘normal.’ Unlike ‘normal,’ which has biological underpinnings, ‘normative’ is a concept derived from society itself. It’s the set of standards, principles, or rules that are deemed ‘acceptable’ or ‘preferred’ in a given community. In simple terms, it’s the societal blueprint of how things ‘ought to be.’
Yet, it’s important to remember that ‘normative’ is an ever-changing idea. It’s as fluid as the society that creates it, varying across different cultures and eras. For example, certain behaviors seen as normative in one culture might be viewed with disdain in another. Similarly, what was considered normative a few decades ago might not be viewed the same way today. This highlights the very arbitrary nature of normative standards, indicating that they are far from universal.
These societal norms, intriguingly, have a profound impact on our lives. They shape our behaviors, our values, and even our sense of identity. We’re all, in some way or another, boxed in by these expectations and standards set by society. Yet, this box isn’t rigid; it’s adaptable and can be redesigned as society evolves. However, this constant adaptation doesn’t mean it’s always beneficial, which we’ll explore in the following sections.
The Perils of Conforming to Normative Standards
On the surface, adhering to societal norms may seem like a harmless act, perhaps even one that brings order and cohesion. However, this act of uniformity can harbor potential pitfalls. The danger lies in the repression of individuality and the discouragement of diversity. This can inadvertently birth a culture where distinctiveness is viewed negatively, leading to the propagation of stereotypes and even discriminatory practices.
The extremes of adhering strictly to societal norms can also incite mental health challenges. A constant striving for conformity can breed intense pressure, leading to feelings of anxiety and depression. The ‘normative’ becomes a strict mould that individuals feel compelled to fit into, often at the expense of their mental well-being.
Adhering too rigidly to these societal standards can also have a stifling effect on personal growth. It can hinder creativity, thwart innovation, and limit exploration. This is because people may be too afraid to veer off the well-trodden path, fearing the judgement and ostracization that may come with it. As such, this fixation on conforming to the normative can potentially derail one’s journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
In essence, too strict adherence to societal norms can inadvertently suppress our inherent uniqueness and individuality. By promoting a homogenized society, we risk smothering the diversity that makes us human. The beauty lies in our unique quirks and attributes – these deviations from the ‘normative’ make us who we are. We must bear in mind the cost of conformity and strive to foster a society that values individuality and celebrates diversity.
Embracing Our Individuality
Every human being is a one-of-a-kind mosaic of traits, passions, and peculiarities, which makes them extraordinarily special. These unique facets that deviate from the societal ‘normative’ don’t signify abnormality but symbolize our individuality. It’s our distinctive laughter, our uncommon hobbies, our unconventional dreams, and even our quirkiest idiosyncrasies that paint the canvas of who we are as individuals.
Cherishing this individuality isn’t just about self-acceptance, it’s about reveling in the uniqueness that sets us apart. It’s about acknowledging our exclusive traits and harnessing them to add color and vibrancy to our lives. It’s about flaunting our distinctive stripes in a world that often encourages us to blend in.
This act of embracing our individuality also leads to empathy and understanding among individuals. Recognizing that everyone has their own distinct stripes enables us to appreciate diversity, fostering a more inclusive community. It cultivates a sense of acceptance that everyone has their own unique quirks that make them who they are, and these should be celebrated rather than suppressed.
In a world that often champions uniformity, dare to be the vibrant, unique individual you are. Dare to diverge from the societal ‘normative’, to blaze your own trail.
So go ahead, let your quirks shine. Dare to be YOU! After all, it’s our individual quirks that make us human. It’s these delightful deviations that make us, well, us. And there is nothing more extraordinary than that. So here’s to embracing our individuality in all its wonderful, weird, and wacky glory!
Challenging the Notion of Normal
Having unraveled the layers of ‘normal’ and ‘normative’, it’s important that we question and challenge these concepts. We ought to remember that ‘normal’ is merely a biological notion that embraces inherent diversity, while ‘normative’ is a social construct, subject to change with evolving societies. The interesting question that we should be asking is – why should we conform to a socially defined ‘normative’ and suppress our inherent individuality?
Instead of giving in to societal pressures to fit neatly into a predefined box, we should celebrate our unique traits and peculiarities. This does not mean disregard all societal norms and conventions. Instead, it urges a thoughtful reconsideration and critical evaluation of these norms.
As society’s attitudes and perceptions evolve, it is inevitable that norms will be modified, adapted, or entirely redefined. It’s up to us to ensure that these changes foster a sense of inclusivity and respect for diversity. The focus should be on nurturing a society that doesn’t stigmatize or marginalize those who dare to diverge from the ‘normative’, but rather, one that applauds them for their courage to be authentically themselves.
So, let’s step up, challenge the ‘normative’, and spearhead a wave of change that values individuality over conformity. Let’s champion a culture that prizes the ‘normal’ in each one of us – our unique genetic variations, our quirks, our passions, our dreams. Because in the end, it’s these idiosyncrasies that make us who we are – distinctively and wonderfully us. And that, in truth, is the most extraordinary kind of ‘normal’.