Setting Up the Picture Matthew 24:21 “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matthew 24:37-42 “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of…
Will You Survive the MetaCrisis: Understanding the Precariousness of our Times
The term “metacrisis” may sound unfamiliar to many, but it is a concept that has been gaining more attention in recent years. It refers to the idea that our world is currently facing a crisis on a meta-level, encompassing multiple crises within different aspects of society. From environmental degradation to…
How To Be Truly Healthy; An In-depth Look
Health cannot be reduced to a mere absence of symptoms, rather it is a state of optimal physiological and anatomical functioning. Though few have experienced perfect functioning, many enjoy a state of very good functioning, enabling them to enjoy good health, mobility, and mood, while avoiding chronic and acute health…
How to Survive the Coming Chaos of 2024; From Pandemics to Election Interference
As we approach the end of 2023, it is impossible to ignore the many chaotic events that have marked the past few years and wonder what is in store for the coming years. From pandemics to election interference, the world is faced with unprecedented challenges and turmoil. And while we…
How To Be Truly Healthy: A Look At Homeopathy
About Homeopathy Homeopathy is a specialty of medicine that has been practiced since 1796. The modern version was discovered by a physician that was dissatisfied with the, then current, medical practices. He believed that there was a better way to treat illness, prevent illness, and restore a person to good…
Live Better On Less; Adopting Minimalism
What Is Minimalism I prefer to view minimalism as a philosophy of maximizing efficiency and effectiveness, a philosophy that has always been consistent with my nature. I tend to apply this philosophy to all areas of my life, whether it be learning something new or starting a business. In essence,…
Build Your Savings and Cut Expenses with Time Banking
Do you find yourself constantly struggling to make ends meet and wishing you had more money left over at the end of each month? You’re not alone. Many people are facing financial challenges and looking for ways to cut expenses and save more money. But what if I told you…
Make Money From Home: 10 Best Work From Home Jobs
Are you tired of the traditional 9-5 work schedule and looking for a more flexible job that allows you to work from the comfort of your own home? Look no further! In today’s digital age, there are countless opportunities for individuals to work remotely and maintain a stable income. Whether…
Is Your Money Safe: How Fiat Currency Falls Short
Many people view fiat currency as a stable and reliable form of money. However, a closer look reveals that this type of currency falls short in many aspects. In fact, there are five key factors that make it an unsustainable option in the long run. This raises the question: Is…
Here’s What You Need To Know: Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory
When it comes to understanding health and disease, there are two opposing views that have been debated for centuries: germ theory vs terrain theory. These two theories provide completely different perspectives on the root cause of illness and how to treat it. While germ theory focuses on external pathogens as…