Viktor Frankl’s book; Man’s Search for Meaning is a profound exploration of human suffering, resilience, and purpose. Drawing on his harrowing experiences as a Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist, Frankl proposes that the quest for meaning is the fundamental driver of human behavior. The book is divided into two parts: the…
Living Simply Through Love, Care, and Purity: A Biblical Approach
The Bible has, for more than 1500 years, been a source of wisdom when it comes to navigating life, yet its most profound principles are often elegantly simple. Two key passages distill the essence of righteous living: James 1:27 and Matthew 22:37-40. Together, they offer three guiding principles: love God…
Using Free-Form Time Banking as a Strategy for Developing Volunteer Resources within a Community Service Organization
Time banking is a way for communities to capture value without monetary cost through the recognition of individuals’ skills and time by the use of an indirect time-tracking instrument. Active engagement in time banking partnerships can enable members of a community to grow their personal networks, make lasting friendships, gain…
What Kind of Hand Were You Dealt in Life: A Reflection on Responsibility and Choice
We are not held responsible for the hand that we have been delt in life but we are, most certainly, held responsible for the way that we play that hand. Life is not a game of fairness but rather one of uncertainty. The cards that we are dealt – our…
Is Modern Society Just a Giant Ponzi Scheme?
The Ponzi scheme involves a cycle of paying returns to early investors with funds obtained from newer investors, perpetuating the illusion of profitability. These schemes inevitably collapse when the influx of new money slows, making it impossible to continue meeting promised returns. When one looks at the foundations of modern…
Is This Illusory World Just a Waiting Room for Hell?
Throughout history, philosophers have wrestled with the idea that the world we live in is not what it seems. From Plato’s Allegory of the Cave to Hindu Maya, thinkers have proposed that reality is a veil concealing deeper truths. What if this illusion is more sinister than mere ignorance? Could…
If It’s Worth Doing, It’s Worth Doing Well: Is Less Actually More?
There’s an old saying that insists, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.” This sentiment comes to us today from a time when quality was actually important, when craftsmanship was appreciated, and when people took pride in building and creating things that would last. But with the rise of…
Comparing the Decline of the Roman Empire and the Modern American “Empire”
The rise and fall of great empires often follow patterns of expansion, consolidation, and eventual decline. The Roman Empire, which dominated the ancient world for centuries, serves as a seemingly relevant historical case study for understanding how a superpower can unravel. Today, many scholars and commentators have drawn parallels between…
You Can’t Help Those Who Won’t Help Themselves
In our communities we see that ever-increasing needs is becoming the norm – many of them urgent – and community service and outreach programs strive to selflessly meet those needs, offering resources to those struggling to make ends meet. The intention behind such programs is simple: to provide assistance, support,…
The Tyranny of Unbridled Desire and the Truth of Love
Most of what we regard as important in life is a carefully constructed illusion – empty pursuits that masquerade as meaning but ultimately amount to nothing more than distractions. The glittering ambitions of wealth, fame, and power entice us, yet they lead to hollow and temporary victories. We aspire to…