Health cannot be reduced to a mere absence of symptoms, rather it is a state of optimal physiological and anatomical functioning. Though few have experienced perfect functioning, many enjoy a state of very good functioning, enabling them to enjoy good health, mobility, and mood, while avoiding chronic and acute health issues. Given the body’s natural self-care ability, a little bit of assistance is all that is needed to maintain good functioning.
I often say that entropy always wins, which means that all aspects of life, including our physical and mental states, are constantly deteriorating or moving towards disorganization. While this is a natural process, we should not help it along.
Unfortunately, most people take few actions to slow entropy or aging, and many even speed up the process through eating poor diets, not getting enough exercise, living high stress lives, using technology excessively, receiving inadequate medical care, and lacking proper information regarding healthy living. Regrettably, even healthcare professionals possess insufficient knowledge about what truly constitutes health and are therefore not a reliable source of information.
Fortunately though, we are here to give you the scoop on how to be truly healthy. We will discuss the 10 aspects of health that must be addressed in order to actually be healthy. They are:
- Nutritional Health
- Metabolic Health
- Environmental Health
- Energetic Health
- Structural Health
- Circulatory Health
- Regenerative Health
- Immune Health
- Mental Health
- Spiritual Health
Nutritional Health

Nutritional health is a state of balance between proper nutrient intake and the body’s ability to utilize those nutrients. Nutritional status is an individual’s health condition that is influenced by their proper nutrient intake and utilization.
The Standard American Diet (SAD) not only falls short of providing adequate nutrition, but it can also have detrimental effects on the body. Nearly everything available at a standard grocery store can harm the body in some way, thanks to chemical additives, preservatives, seed oils, GMOs, and pesticides. Moreover, the food grown in nutrient-deficient soil laced with heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and other contaminants lacks essential nutrients vital for the body’s proper functioning. These factors contribute to a growing concern that our food supply may be poisoning our bodies instead of nourishing them.
Here are some things to consider:
The Microbiome
Metabolic Health

Metabolic health is whether or not the body’s physiologic processes are functioning optimally. It is frequently evidenced by blood sugar levels and healthy sugar metabolism, low A1C, fasting tolerance, low BMI, proportional waist circumference, healthy blood pressure, healthy cholesterol and triglycerides and other metabolic lab values.
Other things to consider when evaluating metabolic health are:
- Insulin/Glucagon ratio
- Insulin/Ketone use
- White fat/Brown fat ratio and use
- Energy Source: insulin vs ketones
- Metabolic flexibility
- Mitochondrial health
Some therapies that have been used to increase metabolic health include:
- Ice bathing/cold showering
- Fasting/Autophagy
- Endurance exercise
- Supplements
- Sunlight (IR)(UV)
Environmental Health

The environment is a major factor in determining a person’s overall health and well-being. Poor environmental conditions can cause a number of health problems, including: Respiratory diseases, Cardiovascular diseases, Cancer, Infectious diseases, and others.
Ensuring a healthy living environment plays a critical role in maintaining overall health. For instance, living in a mold-infested house can have far-reaching consequences on various aspects of health. Consequently, moving to a mold-free house may help to improve the problems. Yet, mold is not the only culprit; furniture, mattresses, carpets, vinyl flooring, and adhesives can emit hazardous chemicals that affect our health. Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize a healthy home and work environment to safeguard your well-being.
Energetic Health

This is an area of health that few even consider. Our energetic health is an important aspect of our overall well-being. The body, and the universe for that matter, is an energetic being. Everything is energy and simple common-place tasks like using a cell phone has a drastic effect on the health of our energy bodies. In today’s world of cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 5G, etc. we are constantly bombarded with harmful ionizing radiation. It is crucial to minimize these exposures while, at the same time, mitigating any damage already caused.
In addition, we are born with imbalances in our energy bodies that, if uncorrected, predispose us to all sorts of health problems.
Some ideas to look at for help are things like homeopathy, ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, herbal medicine and other energy based modalities.
Check out: homeopathy.buzz or autopathy.com
Structural Health

This is the area of health that deals with the structure of the body and how well each part is functioning and balanced. If the structures of the body are not balanced, not in alignment or damaged, the body can not function correctly – not just physically but also metabolically, energetically, mentally and spiritually. Body structure should never be neglected in one’s journey to good health. Check out these videos on the topic:
Circulatory Health

Circulatory health involves more than just the circulation of blood. There are actually five circulatory pathways that must be kept healthy in order for your body to function well. They are:
- Blood
- Lymph
- Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Nerve Impulses
- Energy, Vital Force
Regenerative Health

Regenerative health is the process of restoring or replacing cells, tissues, organs, or even entire body parts to full function. It is frequently possible to reverse the damage that we have caused to our bodies by undertaking the appropriate therapies. Some concepts involved in this include:
- Autophagy
- Autopathy
- Detox
- Ketosis
- Ice bathing (wim hof)
- Supplements
- Exercise
Immune System Health

Having a healthy immune system is obviously important but did you know that you have a good deal of control over just how healthy your immune system is. Some important ideas in the field of immune health include:
- Terrain Building
- Immune system training
- Gut Microbiome Health
- Homeopathy for building the immune system
Mental Health

It is imperative not to neglect one’s mental health, as it is equally as important for overall well-being as any other aspect of health. Many believe that good mental health is beyond their control and seek medication from a doctor for things like depression. However, did you know that the gut microbiome and energetic health play an important role in your mental health as well.
Moreover, homeopathy is perceived to be a highly effective treatment for a wide range of mental health problems, if administered by a proficient homeopath. Hence, mental health is a multifaceted issue that goes far beyond the domain of psychiatry. When looking at the idea of mental health we must consider all aspects of health as a whole – they are all interconnected. Mental health includes such ideas as:
- Mental Balance
- Mental Stability
- Self-Understanding
- Personal Growth
- Wisdom
Spiritual Health

Spiritual health involves one’s:
- Relationship to God
- Relationship to Self
- Relationship to Others
So, In Conclusion
Being healthy is a journey of restoring the body to optimal functioning, in all aspects of our being. Addressing just one aspect of health will never be enough – we are complicated creatures that are made up of many different aspects and in order to be healthy, it is essential to approach the subject from all angles. I encourage everyone to start your journey of health restoration today, it’s never too late. Just take it one step at a time but be serious about it because your health is a serious subject.